Our Story

A story of commitment and evolution.

1947 Never believing the word impossible, Walter Brandt was fascinated with discovering, researching and testing his ideas in practice. This was how, in 1947, he founded Walter Brandt Artefatos de Metais.
1974 In 1974, with broad experience in the market of air filtering and ventilation, the company changed name to Mecânica Industrial Brandt Ltda. At that time, the company served medium and large industries, in the national and international market.
2007 In 2007, Brandt went through new changes and one of Walter’s sons took over the company.
2019 Currently, Brandt Máquinas e Equipamentos Ltda. has mastered the solid residue filtering and ventilation technologies.

Currently we have mastered the solid residue filtering and ventilation technologies.

Our equipment is designed with high energetic efficiency, ensuring higher durability, low maintenance and lowering the risk of eventual stops.

The company offers an appropriate and clean workplace for the collaborators. Moreover, it is reference in matters of exhaustion and biomass, contributing with socioenvironmental issues.


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